My Story
Suzie Wood

Being Su-ish since I was young, has enable me to be the person I am uniquely created to be.
Growing up in the vast red sands of regional Victoria, my world was small. A safe place to take risk and succeed. Dad, mum and two sisters, the family was important and extended family came together regularly.
Upon leaving for college, I soon realised that the world was a place to be embraced, encountered and enjoyed. Going to College was easy, I was independent and confident as a teenager and it didn't take long to settle in.
I was married young, whilst still at college. Our young married friends were great and we started married life well. I discovered the Christian life and it became an integral part of who I am today.
However, at 24yo I got very sick with Rheumatic Fever, unable to do my normal activities, I put on weight and soon got frustrated with life going soooooo slow, sooo slow, I kept telling my husband to stop running (at a slow walking pace for him). I did keep up with friends and outings, only to come home and sleep, sleep and more sleep. This is still with me today and I manage it, yet, I was never going to let this stop me embracing life, I guess the fear of missing out works in resourceful ways as well.
​This soon become a reality, when I had the opportunity to travel visiting family in South America, camping throughout America and hiking in New Zealand (Yes, still to this day I had my afternoon sleeps to keep the shine in my day).

​My approach to life, simply life is meant to be participated in, not watched, I’ve encouraged anyone around me this motto… Live Life.
​I have been married for 30 plus years, my husband and I together have raised 4 sons, each with their own gifts and abilities that allow their uniqueness to shine in their everyday life.
I have sort to serve our community as a stay-home mum over 23 years through hospitality, long term visitors and committees.
It's now time for me to share with others, step out of my home and take yet another risk.....
Exposing who I am to the real world outside of my home...
Unique - Su-ish with a passion to grow personally
Suzanne Wood
BA Computing & Information Processing
Dip. Ed. Teaching
Life Coaching
Various Leadership Training
Duke of Edinburgh Hikes
Family International Holidays

My life has been full of opportunities to shine my talents and gifts, leading young people through the guide movement, sports, school and church communities.